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$ US Dollar Türk Lirası

d-YTSCore | Management Tracking System

Homepaged-YTSCore | Management Tracking System

d-YTSCore is a web-based Contractor Tracking System. Before and after the contract in the management of large-scale processes;

Defining Contractor and Subcontractor Companies,
Identification of personnel to work,
Identification of tools and equipment to be used,
Controlling Occupational Health and Safety processes according to labor law,
Document controls and acceptance procedures of personnel and vehicles,
Printing of entrance cards of personnel and vehicles and field acceptance procedures,
Making daily overtime follow-ups,
Creation and Approval of business and transaction reports,
Creation of progress payments,
It includes keeping and managing all process archives.
d-YTSCore meets the needs for monitoring and coordination of processes in large-scale structures operating in large geographical areas.

- Web Based Architecture
- Asp .Net Technology
- Ftp & Cloud Options
- Internet & Intranet Compatible
- MsSQL Database
- Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile Compatible (responsive)
- LDAP and ActiveDirectory Integration
- Full Integration with EBYS, ERP, ESP
- Wide Web Service Capability
- Compatible Operation with Hardware

- Contractor Identification Module,
- Project/Work Definition Module,
- Personnel Identification Module,
- Vehicle Identification Module,
- Flow/Process Definition Module,
- Job Tracking Module,
- Working Hours Module,
- Archive Module,
- Contract Module,
- Authorization Module,
- Reporting Module,
- Advanced Management Module,
