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d-CoreEBYS | Electronic Document Form and Process Management System

Homepaged-CoreEBYS | Electronic Document Form and Process Management System

d-CoreEBYS is an Electronic Document Management System automation developed by our company that allows correspondence, signature and approval processes in the public and private sectors to be carried out electronically.

- Web Based Architecture
- Asp .Net Technology
- Ftp & Cloud Options
- Internet & Intranet Compatible
- MsSQL Compatible
- SDP and CCP Compatible
- Windows, Mac, Linux, Mobile Compatible (responsive)
- LDAP and ActiveDirectory Integration
- Full Integration
- Wide Web Service Capability
- Compatible Operation with Hardware
- Direct Integration with Digital Archive, SAP, ERP, MIS etc. Systems,
- Dynamic System Architecture
- KEP, UETS Integration
- e-Signature, Mobile Signature, Biometric Signature Support

You can receive and send your incoming and outgoing documents electronically (KEP integrated).


- Signature and Initialization Module,
- Approval Module,
- Pre-Approved Document Module,
- Text Creation Module,
- Incoming/Outgoing Document Module,
- Consent, Approval and Takrir Module,
- Decision Module,
- Information Note Module,
- Announcement Module,
- Advance Module,
- Power of Attorney Module,
- Pre-Approval Module,
- Verification Module,
- LOG Module,
- Authorization Module,
- Hidden Material Module,
- SDP Module,
- Archive and Filing Module,
- Transfer - Destruction Module,
- Tracking Module,
- Reporting Module,
- Ledger Module,

With the advanced categorization system, you can assign keywords to data and view it easily with the search engine.
